If you are spending time with someone you love, peathe. It will allow you to be present with that person, rather than thinking about work or other things you need to do.
If you are exercising, peathe. It will help you enjoy the exercise, and therefore stick with it for longer.
If you are moving too fast, peathe. It will remind you to slow down, and enjoy life more.
So peathe. And enjoy each moment of this life. They’re too fleeting and few to waste.
Tip: Put the word “Breathe” as a screensaver or desktop pic, or put it up as a note on your wall or fridge or on your desk. Then do it every time you see the word.
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- ”鼓励残疾人的名言”
- ”关于热爱生活的名言”
- ”关于舍己为人的名言警句”
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- ”关于人生的格言”
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