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美丽心情网 - 心情美文,心情日记,经典文章,经典语句,健康生活
美丽心情网 - 心情美文,心情日记,经典文章,经典语句,健康生活

关于快乐 关于生活的句子(2)

如果你还没有过这样的遭遇,最好现在开始就提高意识:因果报应犹如滚石。“善有善报、恶有恶报” 就是说,你若行善,善事也会临幸于你。所以,你要明白:伤害别人最终只会使自己在某种程度上受害。这样想的话,生活会简单快乐很多。

2. God helps those who help themselves


God, luck and fortune comes to those who help themselves. That’s right, folks. The idea of God helping people arises only after people work hard to get what they want. This is a truth that you need to know in life to be happy because we are all rewarded by God when we put in genuine hard work to achieve our goals – whether it is in the form of luck, fortune, happiness or love. So before wishing for something in your next prayer, we suggest you try and put in some of your own hard work first.
